Video Marketing

Video is mostly what people talk about in marketing today.

But, do you really need to make videos part of your business marketing and branding?

Sure, video can relay a huge amount of information in a short space of time.

But there is another reason. Your customers prefer video over any other content type.

The official YouTube blog said that "people watch over 1 Billion hours of YouTube Content every single day". They just can't get enough.

YouTube, 2017

If there's something you want to say, or someone you want to reach, video is the way to do it.

Video has the power to engage and hold the attention of your customers like no other type of content.

How does video marketing help?

Making a video is one thing but more importantly are what video you're making and how it is distributed and marketed to you target audience. This is video marketing.

We hear all the time that a client has paid for an expensive video but doesn't know how to distribute it. What's the point in investing important cash into a video and then have no one see it?

It's confusing figuring out how to distribute and market videos effectively.

Getting qualified prospects to watch your video production is one of the most important aspects in a sound business video marketing strategy to ensure your ROI.

Not only are we experts at video strategy and video production services, but we excel at how to market and distribute your video.

Isn't it all about SEO though?

Yes, SEO is an important part of any marketing strategy.

The wonderful thing is that video can supercharge your SEO.

Google now prioritizes video content over anything else. This means that your organic search engine ranking can improve a lot, if you make the right video and get it online.

It's not just SEO though, video can be amazing at getting results in paid social media channels. But you have to know how to do it the right way, that's where we come in.

What can we do for you?

We can help you produce video marketing campaigns that will reach your potential customers where and when they’re primed to buy into your brand.

Did you know that 90% of brands are dedicated to investing more in video campaigns in the future.

Why is this?

  • There are over 240 million digital video viewers in the US.
  • 54% of consumers want to see more video from a brand or business they support.
  • Video marketing increases user understanding of a product or service by 95%.
  • 78% business say they received more traffic after implementing video in their content strategies.
  • Most marketers say that video is the type of content with the best ROI.

So what are you waiting for?

Don't wait too long to adopt video marketing into you wider strategy. Your competitors are likely looking to do it. So make the investment and take action now to make the most of the unique opportunity.

We're a one stop shop who can help you with video marketing and production, based right out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Get in touch with us to find out how video marketing can transform your business.